Friday, August 3, 2007

The 20th Week

I was tempted not to post today. Today is the end of the 20th week. Already! But there's nothing that's new that's going on. It's all pretty much the same. I still feel great; my belly's just getting bigger. I can feel the little peanut wiggling around a lot more often, and it's easier to feel him/her kicking from the outside. Keith felt it last week once or twice. :) it's neat! The more I feel it, the more it sinks in that we're going to be parents! He/she likes to kick at night when I'm settling in for bed. Hope that routine doesn't carry on after birth!! It's strange that I can feel how the baby has grown, too, from it's kicking-- today I felt a quick bump bump in there, but one bump was at one side of my stomach, and the other bump was way over on the other side! The little peanut is growing at an amazing rate!

We're going camping in Canada to visit mom's family this weekend. It should definitely be an interesting experience! The one time I slept in a tent, there was a huge thunderstorm, and I thought I was going to die. :) Hopefully this time around is more pleasant. It will be good to see everyone though-- I'm looking forward to that! I'll prob. take some pictures while camping, to display the 20 week belly.

Hopefully next week (on Wednesday) I'll be able to post whether we're expecting a boy or girl! I'm praying that it's easy to tell the sex right away, and that the 'guess' is accurate to what it is. I hope the baby cooperates! I'll be back Wednesday!

1 comment:

Jenn's Blog said...

Hey! Can't believe your already to the half way mark! Congratulations!! I can't wait to hear what you are going to have. I know you are so excited:)