Friday, August 17, 2007

The Snoogle and 21 week pic

Oh my goodness- Wednesday night was entirely sleepless due to hip pain! Called out of work thursday, napped hard core, bought the snoogle (body pillow sold at babies r us) and slept wonderfully Thurs night!!! I would HIGHLY recommend it! It doesn't take up as much space as I thought it would either!

As a side note to all this snooglicious news, I made a stop in the baby boy clothes section last night while I was there. I had always stopped at the girls (how can you NOT?) but never the boys, and I was surprised by how cute some of the stuff was! I would look at an outfit, and just giggle like an idiot...then I would realize that I was laughing and look around to see if anyone heard me. They had some adorable stuff...a western themed outfit that had little booties that looked like cowboy boots, little fatigue-print sweatpants and matching shirts...a little like men's clothes, just in miniature. It's like playing dolls! I had an armfull of stuff to buy but then put it away, realizing I should wait until post-shower to begin stocking up on what we may need. I then headed over to the bedding section to see the little sailboat print again....laughed out loud again at just how cute it is...then pondered over strollers. I have....NO CLUE....what stroller to pick. I think getting one you can stick the carseat into for the first few months would be practical, but then I didn't know which one went with the carseat that I chose. Ever since the accident, the carseat has been an area of focus for me. Rachel researched them and found out that the Graco Snugride had the highest safety ratings, so that's what we're def. going to go w/. All that to say that I'll get the matching stroller but don't know which one that is. :) I'll have to take Keith back on Saturday, both to help w/ the stroler delimma and to walk through the baby boy clothes and laugh with me. He's never been.

Keith went fishing with his uncle and my dad today, and left for the shore last night, so I had to sleep alone. Up side: plenty of room for my snoogle experimentation stage. Down side: I HATE sleeping alone- I'm used to having him there, and all the little house noises seem louder when he's not. After watching--and crying through-- an episode of Law & Order, my Shelti, Zeke, followed me upstairs and perched himself right by my side of the bed. He must've known I was apprehensive, because he usually vacates to the nearest vent and plops on top of it, so as to be the first recipient (blocker, really) of all the cold air. I was surprised to find that he stayed there by my side all night! After I got settled in the tangled snoogle mess, the baby and I played our first game of "kick for the winning name". I was giving pretty generous pauses after calling him by each name, and he consistently kicked for the second. Did not kick for the first. I do wonder whether that means he liked or disliked it. :) We will get there, and soon you will have a name, peanut.

Well, that's all for today! Back to work! I'd better enjoy it while I can!


Jenn's Blog said...

Oh my goodness Suz! You are too adorable. I love this picture. Your little one is sure growing fast. Glad you are getting some rest:)

katy said...

You look great, Suz!

I too am going to register for the Graco SnugRider Infant Carseat. As far as strollers go, from the research that I have done I would highly recommend the Grago SnugRider Infant Carseat frame. From what I hear it is much better than buying a bulky system and then when your baby outgrows it you can get a stroller that fits your baby, not just a guess because the baby hasn't been born yet.
I did a lot of research, mainly using "Best Baby Bargains". I highly recommend it, they rate all brands on practicality and safety! It even has a sample registry. :)
Okay, just had to let you know that. I'm glad you're doing well!

Rachel Allebach said...

Hot Mama! =)

Rachael said...

Cute picture (and funny stories!) You're a beautiful pregant lady :-)